Our Products
TRAFCON Industries Inc. manufactures a complete line of solar, gas and electric flashing arrow boards and LED changeable message signs – trailer and vehicle mount. We produce custom arrow boards, custom portable equipment platforms and towers for ITS deployment, LED radar speed displays, and more! Contact us for your next project.
TRAFCON products provide enhanced performance and functionality by being:
Energy-Efficient | Eco-friendly | Economical

TRAFCON Traffic Control Products are Green!
Our LED Lamps and Solar-Powered technology are best-in-class in the industry!
Our Products are 97.3% recyclable! Contact us for details.
Our Powder Coating technology provides highly durable, weather-resistant components removing the need for solvents!

TRAFCON Industries, Inc.
81 Texaco Road
Mechanicsburg, PA 17050
Office: (717)-691-8007
Fax: (717)-795-1938